the Krill...polaris — Today at 1:53 AM do you think krill exchange goods and services for "krill dollars"? lime — Today at 1:59 AM yes polaris — Today at 2:00 AM i'm making a krill section to my website tell me what to add lime — Today at 2:04 AM krillions of hours of content What if you were swimming in the ocean and some krill swam up to you and went "If looks could krill 🦐" That would be funny I think 78% I would NOT be amused 22% Krill Jokes What does a Blue Whale do on a date? Netflix and Krill. upvote downvote report TIL Humans eat more krill than whales. I can't remember the last time I've eaten a whale. upvote downvote report What’s it called when a shrimp kills another shrimp? A krilling spree upvote downvote report What do you call a shrimp that gets run over by a car? Road Krill upvote downvote report The scariest and most feared whale in the entire ocean had his son kidnapped by krill... (an original joke) The scariest and most feared whale in the entire ocean had his son kidnapped by krill, in a guerilla act of revenge for all of the family they'd lost over the years. They snuck up one night, and in their masses, surrounded the sleeping calf, and swam away, carrying him miles away from his father. ... upvote downvote report If I hear one more pun about whales, I’m gonna krill myself upvote downvote report Shrimp John: hey Joe what do you call it when a shrimp kills other shrimp? Joe: I don't know what? John: A krilling! upvote downvote report How does a whale buy their drugs? By the krill-o-gram upvote downvote report What did the fisherman do when he really liked a woman? He invited her over to net fish and krill. upvote downvote report What do shrimps do when they’re depressed? They krill themselves upvote downvote report What do whales like to draw with? A-krill-ic paint. upvote downvote report Fish Joke of the Day I want to krill myself. upvote downvote report Sad moment today when I ran over a box of shrimp Road Krill upvote downvote report A father and son are watching a documentary about evolution... ...the boy had already watched this episode and was viewing it again carefully as he found it a bit confusing as to what the different prehistoric animals were evolving into. He recalled this episode ended with an ant-like insect becoming a crustacean-like animal. By the end he said 'Ep seen, did an... upvote downvote report Someone just threw a bottle of Omega 3 tablets at me. I only suffered super fish oil injuries, but I'm lucky I wasn't krilled! upvote downvote report I'm a sad, hungry whale I'm gonna krill myself upvote downvote report What do whales do on a second date? Net flicks and krill. upvote downvote report whats a blue whale's favorite date night? netflix & krill upvote downvote report What did the suicidal Meganyctiphanes norvegica do? Krill himself. upvote downvote report This joke may contain profanity. 🤔 What's the difference between a seamstress and a whale A seamstress cuts up frills and a whale fucks up krill's. What did the depressed plankton do? It krilled iself! upvote downvote report A whale performs a La Roux cover...... "Mmmmmmmmmm.......I'm goin' in for the krill"
